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UI Actions › Actions › Click Button

Tries to find an enabled button by its title, and click it.


Target app

Selecting “frontmost app” will try to find the button in the app currently in the foreground (default).

Select a specific app will try to find it in that one app.

Type: An app from a pre-defined list of available apps

Button title

The title (or partial title) of the button that should be clicked.

Type: Text

Title selection

Select whether to look up the button by title or partial title.


  • title
  • partial title

Pause after clicking

This adds a short pause after clicking the button.


  • no pause
  • 0.2 secs
  • 0.5 secs
  • 1.0 secs
  • 1.5 secs
  • 2.0 secs
  • 3.0 secs
  • 4.0 secs

If button can’t be found

If the specified button couldn’t be found, the action can either cancel the workflow and raise an error, or it could silently and gracefully just return nothing. This might be preferable if you don’t want the workflow to stop while being able to check for its return value in an If block down the line.

On success, it returns a YES value.


  • stop and raise error
  • return no value

Return Value

Boolean (YES/NO)