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UI Actions › Actions › Move/Resize Window

Moves and/or resizes a window.

Please note: Windows may have an fixed max and/or min size, so resizing them might not always work as expected. They will also never exceed the screen bounds.


Windows Reference

The window to be configured.

Type: Window reference

Window manipulation

Should the window be moved, resized, or both?


  • Move window
  • Resize window
  • Move and resize window

Size unit

Specify if the entered values are percent or pixels.


  • percent
  • pixels

Position X

The desired horizontal position of the window’s upper left corner, in the selected unit, measured from the upper left corner of the current screen. Optional.

Type: Number

Position Y

The desired vertical position of the window’s upper left corner, in the selected unit, measured from the upper left corner of the current screen. Optional.

Type: Number


The desired width of the window, in the selected unit. Optional.

Type: Number


The desired height of the window, in the selected unit. Optional.

Type: Number

Return Value

Window reference