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Browser Actions › Actions › Get Browser Tabs (β)

Returns the tabs that fulfill the specified criteria. Filtering is additive, i.e. tabs must meet all enabled filter criteria to be included in the results.



The browser to work with.

Selecting "frontmost browser" will only work if the application currently in the foreground is a supported browser.

Type: Browser

Which tabs

By default, all tabs are returned. It’s also possible to only return the first, the last, or a random tab, if you so choose.


  • all tabs
  • the first tab
  • the last tab
  • a random tab

Filter by tab type

Enables filtering tabs by their parent window’s privacy level, i.e. you can set the action to only return tabs from standard windows, or only from private ones.


  • no
  • standard tabs only
  • private tabs only

Filter by page URL

Enables filtering the results by page URL.

Example, for a page URL "", and URL filter string "Action":

  • "it should contain …" would return a match
  • "it should contain … (case-sensitive)" would not return a match, because "Action" and "action" are not identical
  • "it should be exactly …" would not return a match, because the page URL is not "Action".


  • no
  • it should contain …
  • it should contain … (case-sensitive)
  • it should be exactly …

URL filter string

Filter the results by this title string as specified by Filter by page URL.

Type: Text

Filter by page title

Enables filtering the results by page title.

Example, for a page titled "ActionsDotWork.", and Title filter string "action":

  • "it should contain …" would return a match
  • "it should contain … (case-sensitive)" would not return a match, because "action" and "Action" are not identical
  • "it should be exactly …" would not return a match, because the page title is not "action".


  • no
  • it should contain …
  • it should contain … (case-sensitive)
  • it should be exactly …

Title filter string

Filter the results by this title string as specified by Filter by page title.

Type: Text

Return Value

Browser Tab (list)