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Browser Actions › Actions › Open URL in Browser Tab (β)

Opens the specified URL in the specified tab of the selected browser.

Returns the opened tab for reference.



The browser to work with.

Selecting "frontmost browser" will only work if the application currently in the foreground is a supported browser.

Only available if Target tab isn’t set to "specific tab".

Type: Browser

Target tab


  • active tab of frontmost window
  • new tab in frontmost window
  • new tab in window
  • specific tab

Specific browser tab

If Target tab is set to "specific tab", this parameter expects a browser tab reference.

Type: Browser Tab

Specific browser window

If Target window is set to "specific window", this parameter expects a browser window reference.

Type: Browser Window


Type: Text

Pause when done

Add a pause before proceeding to the next action in the workflow.


  • no pause
  • 0.5 secs
  • 1.0 secs
  • 1.5 secs
  • 2.0 secs
  • 2.5 secs
  • 3.0 secs
  • 3.5 secs
  • 4.0 secs

Return Value

Browser Tab