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Browser Actions › Actions › Get Menu Item (β)

Tries to find a specific main menu element without triggering it, then returns it.



The browser to work with.

Selecting "frontmost browser" will only work if the application currently in the foreground is a supported browser.

Type: Browser

Targeting options

You can look up a menu item or sub menu by either …

  • its "title", e.g. Contacts…
  • its "path", e.g. Edit > AutoFill > Contacts…
  • its "segmented path", e.g. Edit, AutoFill, Contacts…

A menu path is a single string containing the path segments separated by ">".

Leading and trailing whitespace in segments is trimmed. The lookup deals gracefully with segments ending in either an ellipses or triple dots, if either variant exists in the menu structure, it'll be found.


  • title
  • path
  • segmented path

The menu item label as it occurs in the actual menu. Depending on the selected filter criteria, a partial title might be enough.

Type: Text

Title filter criteria

Only available when searching by title.


  • is
  • contains
  • begins with
  • ends with
  • matches regular expression

The menu item's hierarchical path, starting at the main menu, separated by ">" characters, e.g. View > Translation > Translate to German.

During the lookup, the path will be split up by ">", and any leading or trailing whitespace in the single segments will be trimmed.

Type: Text

Case-insensitive lookup

Enable if lowercase and uppercase shouldn't make a difference. Only available when searching by title or path.

Type: Boolean (YES/NO)

The first segment of a menu item's path, e.g. View or Edit etc.

Type: Text

The next segment of the menu item's path.

Type: Text

The next segment of the menu item's path.

Type: Text

The next segment of the menu item's path.

Type: Text

The next segment of the menu item's path.

Type: Text

If menu item can't be found

If the specified menu item couldn't be found, the action can either cancel the workflow and raise an error, or it could silently and gracefully just return nothing. This might be preferable if you don't want the workflow to stop while being able to check for its return value in an "If" block down the line.

On success, it returns a menu item reference which can be used as input in other menu actions of Browser Actions.


  • stop and raise error
  • return no value

Return Value

Menu Item