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Browser Actions › Actions › Simulate Typing (β)

Simulates typing text on the keyboard.

Key presses will be simulated in the currently active tab of the selected browser.



The browser to work with.

Selecting "frontmost browser" will only work if the application currently in the foreground is a supported browser.

Type: Browser

Keys or text

This input is typed character by character, by simulating keystrokes.

Key presses will be simulated in the currently active tab of the selected browser.

Type: Text

Modifiers toggle

Enable or disable modifiers (like Cmd, Opt, etc.)


  • with modifiers
  • without modifiers

Cmd modifier

Simulates holding down the key, i.e. Command. Ignored unless modifiers are enabled.

Type: Boolean (YES/NO)

Ctrl modifier

Simulates holding down the key, i.e. Control. Ignored unless modifiers are enabled.

Type: Boolean (YES/NO)

Opt modifier

Simulates holding down the key, i.e. Option. Ignored unless modifiers are enabled.

Type: Boolean (YES/NO)

Shift modifier

Simulates holding down the key, i.e. Shift. Ignored unless modifiers are enabled.

Type: Boolean (YES/NO)

Delay between keystrokes

This adds a pause in between key presses.


  • no pause
  • 0.01 secs
  • 0.02 secs
  • 0.05 secs
  • 0.10 secs
  • 0.15 secs
  • 0.20 secs
  • 0.30 secs
  • 0.40 secs

Skip confirmation on long input text

With modifiers enabled, if you enter more than 5 characters, the action will ask you if you're sure before it executes to prevent mishaps like calling more than 5 keyboard shortcuts in a row.

Activate this checkbox to suppress the confirmation dialog. #EnableFootGunMode

Type: Boolean (YES/NO)