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Browser Actions › General FAQs

Is Browser Actions available on iOS?

Unfortunately, no. Browser Actions relies on technology that's simply not available on iOS, I'm afraid.

Which browsers are supported, and which versions?

Browser Actions supports the following browsers:

Brave, Chrome, Edge, and Vivaldi are so-called "evergreen" browsers – they update all the time, and it's usually happening in the background. Under the hood, they're all based on Chromium, so while they might have different "marketing" versions, they all share the same internal Chromium version. For example, Chrome 129, Edge 129, and Vivaldi 6.9 are all based on Chromium 129.

Because they are evergreen, they are always up-to-date, and Browser Actions supports the current major Chromium version, and two major versions back. So, if the current Chromium version is 129, Browser Actions supports 129, 128, and 127.

Where can I find the actions?

The actions can be found in the Shortcuts app.

  1. Create a new shortcut (File menu → New Shortcut, or ⌘N)
  2. In the window that opens (the Shortcuts editor), select the "Action Library" in the right sidebar, then the "Apps" tab.
  3. In the list of apps, select Browser Actions.
Screenshot of a Shortcuts editor window, with the sidebar open and Browser Actions selected

I've installed the app but don't see any new workflow in Shortcuts

Browser Actions doesn't install new Shortcuts workflows, only Shortcuts actions, i.e. the building blocks for new workflows.

I've installed the app but don't see the actions in Shortcuts

Short answer: restart/reboot your Mac. If you still don't see them, uninstall and reinstall the app.

Longer answer: When an app containing Shortcuts actions is installed, the operating system should automatically register them with Shortcuts, but sometimes it just doesn't. I'm certain that's a bug in macOS.

Unfortunately, apps can't explicitly instruct the system to add actions to Shortcuts. But since it's impossible to force the OS to look again, the first option is restarting the device.

If that doesn't do the trick, please uninstall the app and reinstall it again. So far, in most reported cases this solved the problem, and the actions appeared in Shortcuts.

The BA Shortcuts actions are reported as "unknown" after upgrading macOS

When upgrading macOS, Shortcuts may forget about Browser Actions' actions. And while your workflows will all be there, Shortcuts may report the individual actions as "unknown":

Screenshot of a missing action in the Shortcuts editor. The action reads "Unknown Action: This action could not be found in this version of Shortcuts."

First and foremost: no worries, your workflows are fine! 😉

Fix it by following these steps:

  1. Quit the Shortcuts app
  2. Uninstall/ trash the Browser (If you trash it, make sure to empty the trash!)
  3. Reinstall it from the website.

This will re-register the BA actions with Shortcuts.