Returns a dictionary containing a note's properties.
If the note's frontmatter contains a structure that Obsidian can't process, the note properties will be empty, because that's what Obsidian will return in that case.
The vault to work in.
Type: Vault reference
Note Lookup
Specify which note should be looked up or manipulated by the action:
- "note": If you want to use another AFO action’s Note result, pick this option.
- "note at file path": The full path of the note, should be used if you already know the full file path (including folder and file extension).
- "note with UID": Use this if you are using unique identifiers for your notes, and you prefer to look them up by the UID.
- the current Periodic Note (daily, weekly, etc.)
- note
- note at file path
- note with UID
- Daily Note
- Weekly Note
- Monthly Note
- Quarterly Note
- Yearly Note
File Path
The path of the note, relative to the vault root.
Only available when Note Lookup is set to "note at file path".
Type: Text
The unique identifier of the note. To configure the frontmatter key that is used for the lookup, go into Obsidian's settings, section "Community plugins", and find Actions URI.
Only available when Note Lookup is set to "note with UID".
Type: Text
Obsidian Note
A Note that was returned by another AFO action.
Only available when Note Lookup is set to "note".
Type: Note reference
Open or focus note
If enabled, after a successful operation, the note will be brought to the front in Obsidian.
Type: Boolean (YES
Return Value
My note "" contains the following front matter:
---createdAt: 2023-11-06list: - one - "2" - three---
Since this action returns a dictionary, I can access the single keys using a Get Dictionary Value action:

Accessing the "list" key, I get its value, which is a list of strings:

Related Links
- Search the Actions for Obsidian community forum for "Get Note Properties"