Returns the list of paths of either all Markdown files in a vault, sorted alphabetically, or the list of all periodic notes of a particular type (daily, weekly, etc.), sorted from newest to oldest. It does not return the notes themselves, just their paths.
Use Get Note with the returned file paths to get the actual note content.
The vault to work in.
Type: Vault reference
Note Lookup
Specify which note types should be returned by the action.
- all notes
- all Daily Notes
- all Weekly Notes
- all Monthly Notes
- all Quarterly Notes
- all Yearly Notes
Filter by path
Enables filtering the list of paths reported by Obsidian:
- "It contains …" returns only the paths that contain Filter string.
- "It begins with …" returns only the paths that begin with the given Filter string.
- "It ends with …" returns only the paths ending in the value of Filter string.
Default: No filtering.
- No
- It contains …
- It begins with …
- It ends with …
Filter string
Filter the results by this string as specified by Filter by path.
Only available when filtering is enabled.
Type: Text
Case-insensitive filtering
Enable if lowercase and uppercase shouldn't make a difference.
Only available when filtering is enabled.
Type: Boolean (YES
Return Value
Text (list)
Most of the time you would use this action to get a list of all your notes' file paths, then loop over the results list using the built-in "Repeat With" block. If you want to retrieve the details of the notes, you would use a "Get Note" action and use the loop variable Repeat Item
as the argument for the "File Path or Name" parameter.

If you want to filter the list by folders etc., I recommend using the "Filter List" action from Sindre Sorhus's excellent Actions app (no relation) or a built-in "Repeat With" loop with a contained "If" action.
Related Links
- Search the Actions for Obsidian community forum for "List Notes"