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Actions for Obsidian › Actions › Get Note Properties

Returns a dictionary containing a note’s properties.

If the note’s front matter contains a structure that Obsidian can’t process, the note properties will be empty, because that’s what Obsidian will return in that case.



The vault to work in.

Type: Vault reference

File Path

The path of the note, relative to the vault root.

Type: Text

Return Value



My note “” contains the following front matter:

createdAt: 2023-11-06
- one
- "2"
- three

Since this action returns a dictionary, I can access the single keys using a Get Dictionary Value action:

The 'Get Note Properties' action accessing the 'Hello' note in my vault 'Workbench', followed by a 'Get Dictionary Value' action using the prior action's result, accessing the value of the `createdAt` key, which returns string '2023-11-06

Accessing the “list” key, I get its value, which is a list of strings:

The 'Get Note Properties' action accessing the 'Hello' note in my vault 'Workbench', followed by a 'Get Dictionary Value' action using the prior action's result, accessing the value of the `list` key, which returns its list string, i.e. 'one', '2', and 'three