Prepends text to the current Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly or Yearly Note, either to the very beginning of the note (default) or to the section below a particular headline in a note.
The vault to work in.
Type: Vault reference
Periodic Note Lookup
- Daily Note
- Weekly Note
- Monthly Note
- Quarterly Note
- Yearly Note
Type: Text
The headline must be entered exactly as it appears in the note: headline levels, capitalization, punctuation etc. For example, ## My Headline
, ### My Headline
, and ## my headline
are not identical. Only applicable when "Prepend below headline" mode is enabled.
Type: Text
Where to prepend the text.
- beginning of the note
- beginning of the section below the headline
Ignore frontmatter
If enabled, the text will be added to the top of the note, before any frontmatter. Only available if the insertion point for prepending is the beginning of the note.
Type: Boolean (YES
Ensure newline
If enabled, a line break will be added to the inserted text if it does not already have one. Useful if you have a piece of text that does not have a line break at the end, but should.
Type: Boolean (YES
Create note if necessary
If enabled, the note will be created if it doesn't exist so text can be appended.
Type: Boolean (YES
Open or focus note
If enabled, after a successful operation, the note will be brought to the front in Obsidian.
Type: Boolean (YES
Related Links
- Search the Actions for Obsidian community forum for "Prepend Text To Periodic Note"